Right to Know

The Office of Open Records (OOR) was created in 2008 by passage of Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law (RTKL). The objective of the RTKL is to empower citizens by affording them access to information concerning the activities of their government. This important open-government law is designed to promote access to official government information in order to prohibit secrets, scrutinize the actions of public officials and make public officials and agencies accountable for their actions.

As an independent quasi-judicial agency, the office is authorized to hear and decide appeals from requesters who have been denied access to records by state and local agencies. The OOR also provides formal training on the RTKL, as well as Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act.

Use this form to request information

Mount Union Area School District open records officer is:

Dr. Amy Smith
603 N. Industrial Drive
Mount Union, PA 17066
Phone: (814) 542-8631
Fax: (814) 542-8633

Link to PA Office of Open Records